Support us

to deepen cultural awareness through stories 

and make Community Calls, Interviews, Workshops and so much more happen

Support with joy, energy and passion! 

Support once 

Did you attend a workshop or Community Call? Did you like an interview? 

Support monthly 5 €

Join in to support Storybox World!
Make all of this go on long term.

Support monthly 10€

Join in and support Storybox World!
Make all of this go on long term. 

Support monthly 15€ 

Join in and support Storybox World!
Make all of this go on long term.

Bank transfer

Storybox Muenchen gUG

IBAN DE33 7015 0000 1005 7417 47 



Our Team

The Storybox World team takes care of the interviews, the website, the workshops, organizes Community Calls and translates subtitles and this Website into different languages.  It is to the support of this beautiful global community of storytellers, storylovers and Storytelling Institutions, that all of this can come true! 

Storybox World - Storybox München gUG

Storybox World is a project of the non profit Organization Storybox-München gUG. 

Make even more happen! 

Help us take big steps

Make a big change as a private person, company  or a storytelling institution!
This helps especially for interviews and translating subtitles.

Support once 

Make a change and support us!  

Support quarterly 75€

Big steps to more interviews!

Support quarterly 125€

Huge steps to more Interviews! 

Support quaterly 250€

Giant steps to more interviews!

As a supporter you are very welcome to include your logo in our banner below.

 Please reach out to us.

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